Monday, March 2, 2009

Getting the Ball Rolling!

Feels amazing to get things rolling...

I got out of LA for a much needed break - and funny, the place that I ended up getting to is a tiny little frozen village of about 400 people in a place I once lived in Alaska. When I arrived the first time many years back not knowing a soul, it was dead of winter in 40 below cold - and so this time again, I arrived in deep winter.

Early this year, a funny set of circumstances created a beautiful opening that allowed me the time and space to come here for awhile to create... by the Grace of God (and some great old friends) the trip has been a miraculous gift of freedom to write! And so, I am pulling it out now... with GREAT relief as it feels so good to finally do just that!

Somehow back in LA I just could not muster enough calm that was needed to be quiet long enough, to get this all out of me... So, thank you God, I am here - and it's all unfolding with grace!

Feels like it's been two months that I've been here though it's actually been much less.

It was about the first of January when this New Year started with a bang for me – and I suddenly knew I could not hold on anymore, and I really really really needed to get out of LA for awhile! Not for good... but "please" I thought, “just give me some time and space to quiet”... Within just days of that thought, I was putting my life in order to allow for the shift I sensed would come... then finally the doors swung open and just after our new President was sworn in - perhaps in the vein of new freedom - I was off on a plane to the cold barren north, to the top of the world, to create and produce what had been waiting inside for too long...

Unexpected Twists...
Ever so strange as often occurs, I showed up at precisely the right time as, though I may try, the eternal healer in me never ceases... Turns out I arrived to be present for someone's death... and not just one, but two. While showing up almost unannounced as the trip happened so fast, it turns out that Divine Timing was right in line, as I got here within a day of some dear old friends needing support as they struggled to walk through the very painful and unexpected deaths of two very special people... Strange for me indeed, but actually not surprising, for in times like these, I am reminded how much I live by a deep inner "different drummer" that always puts me in the right place at the right time – to be of service to something much bigger, as this great mystery continues, and the journey widens ever deeper.

The experience of death - especially unexpected and quick death - is a powerful thing to witness... I was at a distance in both cases being support to those who were much closer... but in any proximity, death puts in my face the truth of my own sensitivity to feel well beyond the seen and spoken world - reminding me how grateful I am for the ability to see, feel, sense and listen to the presence that guides me ever diligently through the unseen parts of this world.

Back to writing?
So a good chunk of my time here was for a reason I could have never known before coming... and now, I am gifted with the grace of time while for the last week or so I’ve been devoted to writing - with some excellent unfolding occurring!

In being true to my own teaching – I must acknowledge that even while being distracted without time to write for a good chunk of my time here, I'd have to say that the whole time I've been here it's all been brewing – as I've slowed down, rested and helped my friends – so that now, the writing spills out with much greater ease!

Fruits of my labor...
I am working on a book to encapsulate the work I've developed for many years – about creativity, the process of change and creative problem solving for any arena... the "how to" for empowering the process of change for much greater ease in life, work and all points in between! I wrote a first draft of this book more than two years ago, but it just wasn't quite time and it wasn’t quite ready... And NOW – it IS time and I am ready! So I’ve let go of the old and I'm allowing fresh material to pour forth on the page - as it wants to NOW - appropriate and aligned with the times... and this is all very good!

I'm very excited to share more systematically this work that’s been building for many years... the "artistry" I've developed for approaching life and work from a very different perspective, a very creative perspective, to empower the process of change that is naturally inherent in everything we know ~ to work with the process for endlessly creative solutions!

I hope you will stand by ~ to watch, witness and partake, in this awesome and beautiful unfolding...

I’ll be sharing much more very soon!

Blessings Abound ~ May Grace be our Guide Everyday!

by Sharon L. Corsaro
Learn more at

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