Thursday, June 18, 2009

What is growing gold?

Why do I use the name growing gold? And why does it matter to you?

I suspect many people think "growing gold" means something like growing "money," but the heart of this matter is FAR more important than even that...

You see, my reference to "gold" is about inner gold... and inner gold is the critical key to everything.

So "growing gold" is about many things... but it starts with finding access to the stuff inside - the gold that comes pouring forth from inside people, projects, teams, organizations, groups - when their creative energy is tapped into and turned ON!

When creative energy is awake and thriving, that is like tapping into a river of liquid gold! And as enormous bonus, when inner gold is flowing... SO much more follows... because creative energy - the living inner gold of everything - is the juice that makes it all happen.

Creative energy is the living force that creates and changes everything - and it is what we need in every arena to build new ideas, create effective changes and grow just about anything. Waking up access to inner gold means gaining a whole new world of abundance that reaches into everything...

Well beyond growing "money"... "growing gold" means gaining access to the well inside that can help you create whatever you need! It's a system... a way of being... a way of thinking and doing... and it's all about gaining access to the creative juice that makes everything tick!

So whether you are creating a new business, changing your life, inventing a product, crafting a great solution, producing a creative product, navigating enormous change and much more... the gold inside you - your project, your team, your group - is the tremendous asset you want to grow! It's the sweet spot where all things click into place and work!

Unleashing the creative "gold" is key to everything... Sparking it to life to access your gold is pivotal... Helping you do that is what I do. Whether Creative Coaching, Freelancing, Consulting or engaging a conversation to create something new, it's always all about accessing the sweet spot - tapping into your inner gold to find the vision it holds, the guidance it can share and the courage it knows for taking steps well beyond your mind's belief for what's possible, and well into the magic place that dwells in the heart of all that gold!

growing gold from the inside out ~ to enliven, empower and bring forth natural and inherent gold... in everyone and everything... is precisely my goal!

by Sharon L. Corsaro
Learn more at

1 comment:

Gary Simpson said...

Nice comments Sharon - from what I have seen of you on Twitter I would say that you practise this in your daily life.

You ARE gold Shazza!

Gary Simpson