I took this "break" away from Los Angeles awhile back... a breather that turned into a sabbatical - which of course involves a book! Well, there's so much to share on that, but I'll condense for now to say, months later I'm still out of LA... but no longer hiding ~ au contraire, I am here to engage and share! Thanks to this wild invention called the Internet, I can!
Have you ever felt like you needed a "timeout?" Well, that was me back in January - except I didn't know that when I swiftly followed my instincts, packed up my life and got on a plane to housesit for a friend in the cold far north of Alaska for a few weeks. As I write this now still gone to the north, I can see that I was sort of like a little kid who really badly needs a nap, fights it desperately, finally gives in, and after a really great long sleep, is wonderfully refreshed, pleasant and all new again!
Seems to me, God and the Universe lined things up so perfectly, that it's not been til now, many months later, that I finally realize how drastically I needed that timeout. A long deep unwind has reached levels of my person I couldn't have imagined... unraveling me back to life - when I didn't know I was un-alive?! Just worn out I think... but now - whew! I am fully renewed, refreshed, alive, recharged and ready to engage like never before, with great new energy!
I can't even express how grateful I am for the way things occurred. Sometimes life throws things at you, and you just gotta go with it... even when - especially when - it makes no sense, for there just might be a miracle waiting at the end.
Funniest part is, throughout what I've felt as this "what the heck am I doing here" period... I've lived with a daily pressure - that despite being in a gorgeous place, super peaceful in the middle of nowhere at the foothills of North America's largest mountains, writing my book, safe and well-cared for - I have constantly felt I "needed to go" get back to life in LA.
Every day for months now, I've thought "I need to go"... So you can imagine the great sigh of relief as, today, I can finally say, I feel great being right where I am. While I know I won't stay here forever, I finally feel it's OK for me to be here right now. Craziest part is, there's been very little negative impact and instead great positive impact in me being here. I can fully connect via internet and cell phone to do just about anything with the outside world - work, network, share - all while being safely tucked away in a quaint little village with great peace of mind as I walk in the woods, go to the river, breathe fresh air, enjoy forever sun light, visit old friends and eat fresh wild food... So what's the trouble? Well, it just took awhile for me to settle into the fact that this has been the biggest blessing of my life! And that, coming from one who's had a life full of global adventures, powerful introspection and enormous blessings - making this one then, pretty darn big!
So now that I'm finally good with all this, I feel great. I can let go of being distracted every day by "I gotta go" and instead, just fully take it on and "get it done." There's loads of work I can do from right here and "going back" will come when it's time, soon enough!
So what's the point?
Today, I celebrate life - being happy with what is, right now - and I encourage you to do the same. Sure, there are always obstacles, but we can get around them! For me... the grocery store is 14 miles away and I don't have a car, I don't have running water in my abode, I haven't seen a great film in ages... and I'm far away from many great professional gatherings I'd be attending back in LA. BUT... there is an enormous greatness here that's far different and unique... so I choose to focus on that and take in the blessing of what is right now, while I can!
So I say, celebrate hidden blessings... celebrate the lemons thrown at you... celebrate the "nap forced upon you"... Celebrate what is right now! Enjoy the natural way of life... the way things naturally unfold... the way things can magically line-up when we sit back and let them! Allow and enjoy what is, right now - even if it's only gonna last for a minute... as you watch the way the clouds move in the sky, or notice the person you pass every morning, yet hardly ever "see." Celebrate the magic that shows up in your life everyday, and just be happy with what is!
I share with you as I remind myself - let go of questioning the way things are and instead just enjoy, take in the greatness that is in every moment... and celebrate how good it is, even when it's not!
I'm so happy to say, I am loving life today! Happy to be right where I am... as the sunshine comes forth from inside... Perhaps this is true for you?
Sharon L. Corsaro
@growinggold on Twitter
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