Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wisdom Arising

Today I celebrate my own personal New Year as the first day after my birthday… I vowed to rest yesterday but this material churned up inside, so I share.

Couple days ago, I found myself saying "I’m celebrating wisdom and new beginnings, without adding years."

I had been wished Happy Birthday and I really wanted to respond with "shhh, I'm pretending it’s not happening" because – truth be told – there comes a time when we really want to pretend the years are simply not adding up. But despite my instinct to seriously say "shh," something deep inside responded to that thought as though saying back at me “no, that isn’t right.” And that's when I realized, while part of me really wants the whole birthday thing to "just go away," there is something else far more important – and that is about honoring my birthday for wisdom and new beginnings.

I don't like the idea of aging, yet it's true that in time, age deserves huge recognition, it deserves to be honored for the time that has passed and the wisdom that has grown – as the wise one inside – like the phoenix rising – deserves recognition, hands down! Wisdom, after all, holds enormous wealth as a most valuable asset that simply cannot be bought – it only must rise, over time.

So while I dislike the idea of getting older, on the other side of the same dreaded coin is another quite different emotion… I love knowing each year brings me deeper into the woman I am, as I come forth with more presence and the younger version sits back to listen. From this, I am knowing, my own personal New Year brings cause for huge celebration, as evidence that time has prevailed and wisdom persists.

While I wanted to pretend it just wasn’t happening – my heart screamed forth loudly, “Honor your wisdom, be grateful for the years, the mistakes you have learned from – and be happy you have made it this far!” And so I gain new footing.

I realize I would not want the years to stand still. Sure I'd love to look better as when I was younger with a few less wrinkles, gray hair or extra pounds, but I know far more important than looks, I am profoundly grateful for the richness I have gained through the passage of time. If the price tag for getting this was to age a bit in the process, then I am much happier to be more like a bottle of deep red wine who’s every drop is greatly savored, than I would want to be anything else!

I celebrate wisdom and new birth as I remember this March 30th to give thanks for the miraculous feat it has been to get me this far in this world at this time – as I know, every turn of the path, every trial and tribulation has been miraculous – as though I’ve been carried by an army of spirit, to grow forth from inside, the woman who’s wisdom is rising.

by Sharon L. Corsaro
Learn more at www.growing-gold.com


Flo Speakman said...

Awesome thoughts, my friend!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Here's a Toast to You...Happy New Year! May the this be the best one Yet! ...your ol' CSUF partner in crime.

Anonymous said...

Simply beautiful and so true.. Growing old is just another part of living. I always say "dont be sorry you are growing old, just be glad you have lived another year"
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us.
Hugs to my dear Twitter Friend.
Gerrigee xx