Sunday, March 15, 2009

Let Truth do the Selling

I'm having a moment here... Been working on the new book... during which the whole marketing thing swirls around in my head, as I desperately attempt staying focused... But I keep wandering into wondering how the pieces of the whole are going to fall out in real time, real life!

I have an old background in marketing... communications is really my core. But in the years of my growth and development, I unearthed a deeper knowing and the study of change and creativity became my life's work... So while I've got some healthy know-how in the marketing/communications world, that is coupled with a pretty sensitive know-how for how the creative works, how the energy behind our words and actions actually makes it all happen as the "stuff" that drives everything... and that is what I share nowadays.

Well, being true to my own stuff... skill and deeper knowing has cropped up a new thought on the whole "content marketing" thing... With heaps of internet marketing and heavy sales pitches swarming around... Today I had a refreshing new thought on all this that's far more aligned with me and my own work...

I thought... What IF we just did what is Right?! Hm... seems like the right thing to do... I mean...

What IF we just focused on staying pure and clean in our intentions, our words and our actions... all the way through every step of what we're doing?To share our work - whatever it is - from a knowing that the solidness of "what we stand on" and what we are "selling" is absolutely the very best - it is worthy, it is right and it is good... and it simply deserves to be shared... shared for a reasonable price - but shared, just purely...

Leading me to ask...
If we are doing what is pure and right... does it really need a big "sales job?" Like the days of old... when folks held integrity in their word and honesty in what they shared and the absolute expectation on all sides - from buyer to seller - was straight up above board - as the way to be.

My suspicion is that when someone's product or service really IS the best, really IS something new, helpful and worthy of being purchased... it stands on its own power, its energy speaks volumes... Because truth be known ~ whether we feel it, believe it, know it or not ~ energy is the stuff behind everything. And the energy of the intentions behind any action - any sales job - comes pouring forth, whether the visible words and actions match the intention, or not!

So I reach a knowing... my job as the keeper of what I share - just as is true for each of us in whatever we share - is to not be swayed by the competition... To not start thinking I need to schlep my stuff around because that's what everyone else is doing. But instead, to consider... what if I just know the power of what I share and simply stand by that with integrity, trust my knowing that it really IS what's right... and let IT speak for itself?!


Perhaps the test for us all to find our truth and integrity would be to ask... "If I feel I need to do a big sales pitch for whatever I'm doing... is it really the right thing to be doing?!"

If in asking that I find I DO stand by what I'm doing - down to my core - then does it really need the big sales pitch? Maybe instead, it simply needs me to open the sharing - and let "my stuff" speak for itself. Perhaps its energy is rich enough because it is right and good - and it really just needs me to "open the door"... instead of falling in line with the crowd and doing a bunch of heavy lifting...

So I settle as I see that perhaps instead of worrying about the process for all this - I need to just honor the integrity of what wants to be said, written, shared, empowered and promoted through me - and trust IT to allow IT to be known - without worrying over a big sales job...

Translated for us all, I say what if each of us were to simply find and allow what is waiting inside - the passion that is your job to share with the world - and let that come forth as the great living gold that it is?! Wouldn't that be much easier?

People feel what is right... it cuts to the core whether consciously realized or not - it is felt, recognized and known... When we are strong, when we are present and when we have something good to say - people feel it before anything is said. And they're waiting to hear what comes out, before we or they even know it!

When we hear, see, feel integrity without a word, we recognize it!

I dare to say, maybe we are ready to resurrect the times of old, when a man's word was as good as gold! Perhaps that is my aim with this writing... to help us all, head back to that?!

I say - let's go!

by Sharon L. Corsaro
Learn more at

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