Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Staying in the Present

An excerpt from my writing in progress ~

I just had an epiphany… I’m reading this small little book that was written nearly 100 years ago – The Science of Getting Rich – which I find is more about the science of creating – very similar to my own work – than it is really about ‘getting rich.’ That said, I had an interesting epiphany of my own while reading - about the nature of “staying present.”

I realized that when I start getting ahead of myself – as often can happen – I am actually stepping out of the present moment, out of fear… it doesn't feel like fear when it happens for I think that I'm being proactive... but indeed fear it is... Fear that I won’t know "what to do next” when the next step comes, fear that I am behind, fear that I just don’t know enough for how I'm going to "get there"... fears that simply are not true and when acted upon do more for causing a lapse of time without productivity, than contributing to the present creation I’m working on.

I don’t need to step ahead of myself and “make sure” I know what to do next - for “the next” will be far easier and dramatically more efficient, when I allow it to come in its due time! What an amazing thought that would seem SO obvious… yet we ALL do it ALL the time… We’re working on something new and we spend way too much time trying to figure out how to do all the pieces, instead of just taking steps to actually do the pieces!

What I know from my study of the creative process, is that each step needs to be done in its own time… take step one, and when appropriate, step nine will be obvious and will smoothly unveil itself and flow forward at just the right pace, at just the right time with easewhen we are in sync taking it all, one step at a time! The whole nature of creating, is that each step builds upon the others...

Yet, like many of us, while in the midst of doing step one, sometimes my mind will drift forward in time, and start anticipating all the things I will need to do later, or worse, what I will need to know how to do later that I don’t know yet. For me, my clarity of vision is phenomenal however seeing ahead can also be a distraction that moves things much faster than my physical person can handle, creating even more distraction as I wander forward in time and lose my place from the present – and worse, start collecting information, tools and data that I suspect I will need down the road (but don't know for sure) – instead of staying on task to allow what is perfectly aligned and flowing with me in the present, to bring forth the right things at the right time!

More times than not (I suspect I'm not alone here), when I get ahead of myself, I quickly become overwhelmed with “too much information” because not only am I distracting away from what I really need to be focused on at the moment, I am also collecting information that is not ready to be processed through me yet… its not time for that information to be “on my plate” yet - a perfect analogy that makes this crystal clear!

If information were like food on my plate, it would be obvious that when I already have one meal on my plate or processing through my body (i.e., I’m working on step one for instance) there’s obviously no space yet for another meal, no space yet for digesting new information - or the needs of step nine - when my body and system are occupied doing or digesting the needs of step one. When the time is right for later steps and new information, things will flow with ease because there is an open channel, there is digesting space available for new information, there is space for giving my full attention to receive and efficiently process new information.

If I get too far ahead of myself and out of sync with time - out of the present - new information has no place to go, it simply does not have a clear channel to flow through me and that being said, it can create more disruption, havoc, confusion and ultimately overwhelm than if I allowed things to come at the right time, flowing when exactly needed.

And this brings me home to a very real truth that drastically contrasts with the fear that gets me out of whack. And I know this truth... I have witnessed and experienced for so long that my process – the natural process when allowed – is always best when I don’t go looking for anything and instead allow what's right to “show up” in just the right time… When I remember with confidence that what I need literally "lands in my lap” all the time by the shear magnetic nature of my energy, the process itself, the clarity of my vision, and the propelling force of the forward motion I create in the doing... all of these factors bring to bare... that I attract precisely what I need, at just the right time and pace.

Being grounded in this truth, I can pay more attention to catch the old habit of "jumping ahead" if it creeps up and dispel that urge, to instead stay right on task in the present moment, knowing with confidence that the very nature of the process I'm engaging – not to mention my own experience over and over again – is that I attract exactly what I need, when I need it.

When I need to know “how to do the next step” ~ I will know! The right people and information will have shown up at just the right time when I could process the new, and I always have all that I need!

Attracting the right information at the right time is simply nature's truth! Staying present with “the meal that’s on my plate” is my job, and perhaps the best medicine for keeping me on track!

by Sharon L. Corsaro
Learn more at

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